Guidelines for authors:
Peer review
The practice of peer review is todate an objective on all major scientific journals. It is necessary to ensure that good research is published. Thus, the referees play an important role in order to maintain high standards of papers that are to be published in the Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture. In jccs-a the procedure of a double-blind review is used. This means that the manuscripts are sent out to referees without having the identity of the authors and authors will not know the identity of the reviewers. Initially, one of the editors evaluates the manuscripts and rejects those that are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, are badly argued and written, or do not deal with the scopes and topics of the journal. Authors of such manuscripts will be informed within two weeks after receipt. Papers, that meet these first set of criteria will be passed on to two experts for review. Suggestions for referees from authors are welcome but may not be used. Referees are asked to judge and evaluate whether the manuscript:
1. Is original
2. Is methodologically sound
3. Follows appropriate ethical guidelines
4. Has results which are clearly presented
5. Have sound conclusions
6. Have correct references of previous work
A referee’s report is normally finalised after 8 weeks time after initial submission. When both reviewer’s comments are sent back to the editor, a letter will be sent to the authors summarising their arguments and will give one of the four decisions:1. Accepted
2. Accepted with minor revisions
3. Accepted with major revisions
4. Rejected
If a paper is accepted with minor or major revisions, the authors will have eight to ten weeks time to revise their work.
Preparation of a manuscript
Length and format:
The manuscript must be provided in a text format, using word (.doc, .docx) or .txt using 12 pt letters. There are no limits according the length of papers, but as a rough guidance, they should be around 18 000 characters incl. spaces. Currently the journal is bilingual, i.e. English and German. Therefore manuscripts may be written in either language. The abstract appears in both languages. Abstracts of authors, who are not familiar with one of the two languages, will be translated by the jccs-a personnel.
The paper should be structured in following steps:
Title page:
A concise and informative title and the full names of all authors as well as the contact details (e-mail address) and affiliation of the corresponding author. This page will not be sent to the external referees, therefore the rest of the page should not contain any further information.
First page of the paper:
The title:
The title of the paper must be presented here again, but without the names of the authors. From this page on the paper will be sent to the reviewers.
An abstract should start with a brief introduction into the topic of the paper, followed by a summary of the paper by highlighting the most important parts and findings of the manuscript.
Since jccs-a is a bilingual journal (German and English), and the abstract appears in both languages, it is important to include extended abstracts of approximately 3000 characters including spaces. This is important to provide informations for readers who are not familiar in one of the two languages. The abstracts will be translated by personnel of jccs-a for authors, who are not speaking the other language.
It is important to include three to five keywords. They are necessary for database search, and therefore they must be effective. They should be chosen to specify the field of work or the highlight the content of the research.
Body of the text:
The introduction should contain the background information of the discussed research topic and help the reader to understand the necessity and importance in the current debate. The main research question or problem should be outlined as well as the aims and objectives of the study.
Methods and Materials:
all used materials and methods should be described to give the reader an idea how the results were conducted.
This is the main part of the paper, where all findings are listed. However, in this section no interpretations can be done. This part is merely descriptive and objective.
Discussion and Conclusions:
This is the part where the interpretation of the authors must be stated. The results must be discussed in order to understand the new findings, the implications for further research or the current debate.
In the end of the conclusions there should also be an outlook of the results and how they can help the current debate on the subject, how they can be applied or implemented or which suggestions for further research could be made. The last sentence of the conclusions should summarise the main findings of the work.
Submission material:
- The texts should be submitted as a separate text file (.doc, docx), pictures and graphics should not be inserted.
- For the manuscript Arial or Times New Roman in 12 pt should be used. Headings should be structured as follows:
1. Main chapters (14 pt., bold)
1.1. subchapters (12 pt., bold)
1.1.a sub-sub chapters (12 pt.)
- Figures, images and tables are of core importance for urban design, architecture, town planning, ethnology and all other disciplines that are concerned with the built environment. Therefore it is important to include many figures, photos and diagrams. However, it is important that all graphic material highlights the main findings of the paper and helps the reader to understand the text better. All figures, images and tables must be provided in a good quality for printing but also for appearance on the online platform.
- Figures and tables must be formatted as .jpg or .png as extra files
- images must be sent as extra files in .jpg or .png
- each figure, image or table must have a figure caption, which should be described at the end of the text (.doc, .docx, .txt)
- For each image, diagram or other graphic material the source and copyright information must be indicated. It is important to note that the authors must have all copyrights for the used graphic materials.
- In the text it is essential to make cross references to the used images and figures. For example: (see Fig. 5)
- colour images: 300 dpi/ppi, the longer edge should not have less than 1000 dpi/ppi;
b/w images: 600 dpi/ppi, the long edge should not have less than 1000 dpi/ppi.
- All references must be included at the end of the paper in alphabetical order (see below).
- A short CV of all authors of approximately 50 words should be placed at the end of the paper
- Footnotes should only be brief and include only additional hints. All footnotes must be identified by consecutive numbers in the text. At the end of the text they must be listed consecutively. Footnotes should not be listed at the bottom of each page.
- Typography:
For quotes: “ “ (please do not use ‚, ‚ or «,» or <,>)
Hyphen: –
measures: km, km², kg, °C, %
For currencies: 3-digit abbrevation: USC 340, EUR 1.000, GBP 23.000
Please insert a space between the number and the measures: 15 kg, 17 °C
- References
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references and to include all used works to avoid plagiarism. References must be included in the text by inserting name and year of the work, and at the end of the text a concise list of all cited material has to be listed.
In the text all works that were used in the paper have to be listed in following format:
in the body of the text
one author: (Herbig 2006) or Herbig (2006)
two authors: (Herbig and Lehner 2007) or Herbig and Lehner (2007)
more authors: (Herbig et al. 2009) or Herbog et al. (2009)
direct cites:
This book shows that “……there must be an awareness of the issues.” (Herbig 2009, p.6).
References to cited figures:
(see Fig. 5 in Herbig 2009)
Reference list
at the end of the article there must be a concise list of all used materials in alphabetical order. It should contain books, articles, e-books, unpublished material, conference proceedings, maps and the like. The reference style is based on the Harvard Style, which is commonly used in social sciences.
1. Journals and articles | |
Journal article | Hjerbig U, Pont U (2021) The future of heritage. Jccs-a 12: 10-15 |
Journal issue with issue editor | Herbig U (ed) (2002) The future of heritage. Jccs-a 11:4-50 |
Journal issue without issue editor | Jccs-a (2002) Indonesia. Jccs-a 12:1-50 |
Journal article with DOI and page | Lehner E (2002) The work flow in Indonesia. Jccs-a 12:10-15. |
2. Books and book chapters | |
Book | Mückler H (2005) Die Südsee. IVA-ICRA, Vienna |
chapter | Mückler H (2005) Das Sammelbildchen in Europa. In: Herbig U (ed) Indonesia. IVA-ICRA, Vienna, pp15-70 |
In press | Mückler H (2021) Das Sammelbildchen in Europa. In: Herbig U (ed) Indonesia. IVA-ICRA, Vienna, in press |
Conference proceedings | |
Proceedings as a book in a series | Bornberg R et al (2009) Transitions of cultural traces. In: Herbig U et al. (eds) MOST. 6th Conference on Urban heritage, Yoyjakarta, June 2020. Vol 13, IVA-ICRA, Vienna, pp10-12 |
Proceedings as a book, without publisher | Bornberg R et al (2009) Transitions of cultural traces. In: Herbig U et al. (eds) MOST. 6th Conference on Urban heritage, Yoyjakarta, June 2020 |
Dissertation/ PhD/ master thesis | Bornberg R (2004) Of social housing. PhD, Technische Universität Wien |
Online publications | |
Online paper | Hjerbig U, Pont U (2021) The future of heritage. Jccs-a. Accessed 12 Feb 2020 |
Suplementary material | Mückler H (2020) Lists and figures. Accessed 12 Feb 2020 |
Organsiation | ICO Centre (2020) The sites. Accessed 12 Feb 2020 |
Submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture will be taken to imply that it offers original unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submission authors agree that the copyright for their paper is transferred to the publisher as soon as the paper is accepted for publication. Copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the paper, including all sorts of reproduction, including translations.